
June 01, 2009

Hyperion System 9 Shared Services - Security and Provisioning Best Practices


[This article is sponsored by Peningo Systems, Inc., a provider of Hyperion Consulting Services on a nationwide basis. For more information on Peningo Systems, please go to the Peningo Hyperion Consultants page ]


Oracle has recently  release a white paper titled “Security and Provisioning Best Practices”.  This whitepaper provides strategies and tips on setting up the security environment for Hyperion System 9 products. It presents a checklist to help you configure external user directories and a list of best practices to ensure good performance.  We at Peningo Systems strongly recommend this “White Paper” for any Hyperion Consultant with a strong knowledge of configuring User directories who will be involved in the implementation of the security environment for Hyperion System 9 products by configuring user directories.


If you wish to review this white paper, please review the links below:


To see Peningo Systems areas of expertise, please go to the Peningo Technical Areas page or go to the If you are an "End Client" looking for a Hyperion Consulting Service provider to support your Hyperion Applications, Peningo Systems provides Consultants with Hyperion implementation expertise. For more information on Peningo Systems Hyperion Consultant support, please go to “The Peningo Hyperion Consultants” page.

Aside from Hyperion Consulting, Peningo Systems provided Consulting expertise in many areas including:

To see Peningo Systems areas of expertise, please go to the Peningo Technical Areas page or go to the The Peningo Hyperion Consultants.


An Introduction to Hyperion System 9 Security and User Management

[This article is sponsored by Peningo Systems, Inc., a provider of Hyperion Consulting Services on a nationwide basis. For more information on Peningo Systems, please go to the Peningo Hyperion Consultants page ]

Oracle has recently  release a white paper titled “Introduction to Hyperion System 9 Security and User Management”. This paper provides an overview of the Hyperion® System9 security model. It also explains, in general terms, how Hyperion System 9 manages users.  We at Peningo Systems strongly recommend this “White Paper” for any Hyperion Consultant that will be involved Security and User Management of Hyperion System 9. 

 One of the key design objective for Hyperion System 9 was to make the software easy to use, not only for business users, but for administrators as well. Part of this effort was building a common security layer spanning all modules of Hyperion System 9, accessed through a single interface—the Hyperion System 9 Shared ServicesUser Management Console™.  The implementation of an overarching Hyperion System 9 security model is an important component in meeting this objective. Business users are issued a single user id and password that will grant them access to any or all of the applications they need within Hyperion System 9. Administrators are able to leverage their organization’s existing security repository, and manage all Hyperion System 9 users from one interface.

If you wish to review this white paper, please review the links below:


If you are an "End Client" looking for a Hyperion Consulting Service provider to support your Hyperion Applications, Peningo Systems provides Consultants with Hyperion implementation expertise. For more information on Peningo Systems Hyperion Consultant support, please go to “The Peningo Hyperion Consultants” page.

Aside from Hyperion Consulting, Peningo Systems provided Consulting expertise in many areas including:

To see Peningo Systems areas of expertise, please go to the Peningo Technical Areas page or go to the The Peningo Hyperion Consultants.